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ASP Nuke Tasks:

Maintenance Release / Improving Setup
by Kenneth Richards - Wednesday, March 09, 2005
from the Software Releases dept.

A new maintenance release of ASP Nuke is due out this weekend. I have been going over the code and fixing a lot of the outstanding issues. Hopefully, this will resolve the majority of issues that users have been having.

Ideally, I would like to make the installation process as easy as possible. I think the setup wizard that is currently in place is a good step in that direction. However, even this doesn't seem easy enough. Perhaps I should build an installer (as a windows application) that runs on the web server machine? I know this won't be an option for most people that host ASP sites using a third party service.

Maybe a good start would be to split the MySQL setup process from the SQL Server setup process. Just provide two different start pages for each. That way, I could put database specific help information on each setup wizard. If you have any good ideas, I'd love to hear them.


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