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Italian Language is Complete
by Kenneth Richards - Tuesday, September 21, 2004
from the Internationalization dept.

We have just added the italian language under the "Other Languages" box. Just click on the language you would like the interface to appear in and the ASP Nuke will change instantly. The "English" language will always appear in the list to allow users to go back to the default language.

We could make this smarter so that the language that is currently selected does not appear in this list. Or we could have it still appear but be highlighted to indicate it is currently selected and not allow users to click on it. I am still considering the possible ways we could make this better. Or possibly, we could put the language selection at the top of the page where it is more noticible?

I would like to give a big thanks to DJ Echelon in his work in translating ASP Nuke to the Italian language and anyone else who contributed their hard work to this project. This will go a long way towards expanding the usefulness of this software. I hope that we can launch other translations for ASP Nuke in the near future.

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